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Impella CPT and wRVU

CPTProceudreFull DescriptionTotal RVUwRVU
33990Insertion (LV)Insertion of ventricular assist device, percutaneous, including radiological supervision and interpretation; left heart, arterial access only.10.556.75
33992Removal (LV)Removal of percutaneous ventricular assist device at separate and distinct session from insertion5.503.55
33993RepositioningRepositioning of percutaneous ventricular assist device with imaging guidance at separate from insertion4.853.10
33995Insertion (RV)Insertion of ventricular assist device, percutaneous, including radiological supervision and interpretation; right heart, venous access only10.386.75
33997Removal (RV)Removal of percutaneous right heart ventricular assist device, venous cannula, at separate and distinct session from insertion4.723.00
34716Axillary cutdownOpen axillary/subclavian artery exposure with creation of conduit for delivery of end-vascular prosthesis or for establishment of cardiopulmonary bypass, by infraclavicular or supraclavicular incision, unilateral10.877.19
93750Impella ManagementInterrogation of ventricular assist device (VAD), in person, with physician or other qualified health care
professional analysis of device parameters (e.g., drivelines, alarms, power surges), review of device function
(e.g., flow and volume status, septum status, recovery), with programming, if performed, and report
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